Hi stranger! I'm Nathan.

About Me

I'm an electrical and computer engineer who studied Engineering Science at the University of Toronto, with a minor in Robotics and Mechatronics. Currently, I am a Ph.D. student at Stanford University studying cognitive neurosciece.

Additionally, I'm a classical music enthusiast and my favourite orchestral work right now is Brahms' 4th Symphony and my favourite piano concerto is Brahms' 2nd Concerto.

If you would like a copy of my CV, email me at kongnathan[at]gmail.com

Music Biography

Nathan Kong has been a student of James Tweedie for over 9 years and has won numerous awards and scholarships at various local and national music competitions.



To be updated...


Come visit my blog!


For academic related inquiries: nclkong[at]stanford.edu
For random ideas, website fixes, questions: kongnathan[at]gmail.com